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Property transfer conveyancing
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Property transfer conveyancing
A seamless conveyancing experience with less legal jargon.
Property transfer conveyancing
Smooth your conveyancing journey with tailored services.

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July, 5th

[if 161 not_equal=”Other”][is_user_logged_in]

You are logged in as a staff member. Staff cannot accept client quotes whilst logged in. If testing, open engagement link in private/incognito window.

[/is_user_logged_in][/if 161]

[if 151 equals=”Yes, I agree to the above terms and conditions”]
Thank you for engaging us. You will be automatically redirected in 5 seconds to complete your online forms. If you aren’t redirected please click here to access the online forms.


[/if 151][if 151 not_equal=””]

[/if 151]

[if 161 equals=”Other”][if 157][157][/if 157][if 158][158][/if 158][if 158 not_like=”matter”] Matter[/if 158][/if 161][if 161 not_equal=”Other”]Conveyancing Fees – [161][/if 161]

Quoted [created-at format=”H:i d/m/Y”] | [182] [183][if 184] and [184][/if 184] | Ref [104]

[if created_at less_than=”-381 days”]

Expired quote. Please contact our team for a new quote

[/if created_at][if created_at greater_than=”-381 days”]
[if 144 equals=””]

The conveyancing cost for your matter is [if 231 equals=”Yes”][if 209 not_equal=””][if 221 equals=””][if 206 equals=”tumai123″][208][/if 206][/if 221][if 221 equals=””][if 282 equals=””][if 230 not_equal=””][230][/if 230][/if 282][if 282 not_equal=””][282][/if 282][/if 221][if 221 not_equal=””][209]  [221][/if 221][/if 209][/if 231][if 231 equals=”No”][if 209 not_equal=””][if 221 equals=””][if 282 equals=””][if 206 equals=”tumai123″][209][/if 206][if 206 not_equal=”tumai123″][if 230 not_equal=””][230][/if 230][if 230 equals=””][209][/if 230][/if 206][/if 282][if 282 not_equal=””][282][/if 282][/if 221][if 221 not_equal=””][221][/if 221][/if 209][if 209 equals=””][if 221 equals=””][208][/if 221][if 221 not_equal=””][221][/if 221][/if 209][/if 231] which includes GST[if 161 not_equal=”Transfer”], plus disbursements & searches[/if 161][if 161 equals=”Transfer”], plus disbursements[/if 161].[if 229 not_equal=””]

Special/Additional Terms


[/if 229]

Please refer to our terms and conditions below.

[if 151 equals=””]

Check email and phone contact. As you are creating a new quote from an existing quote, some of the information may be outdated. Please check if client's email or phone number hasn't changed since the last matter. If different, please use the most current contact details in this form.


Matter Information

Is property off the plan or brand new?

Update Scope

Original Quote and Scope

Costs Agreement Generator

If matter is complicated and fully scoped, then please prepare a more comprehensive agreement in Word, convert to PDF and upload the PDF costs agreement
Leave blank if trust money is not required to be transferred

Maximum file size: 52.43MB

Portal generated

Please summarise the terms of the agreement in the PDF agreement in the section below. If not entered, client will simply be asked to refer to the attached PDF costs disclosure (uploaded in the previous field)
Do not include the word 'matter' in description
This cannot be changed. If you wish to customise the scope, then select Custom scope above

Costs Agreement Generator


Apartments, units, flats and some townhouses are usually affected.
Please be advised that our quote is inclusive of one Owners Corporation Certificate only. If your property is affected by more than one Owners Corporation, there may be additional fees charged.

Our fees are plus disbursements quotes and are estimated only. The above fee does not take into account owners corporation certificates and additional searches.

Other Information

This is shown in client quote. If an internal note, please use "Additional Comments (internal)" box below

Show once something is selected

fields=”151,150″][/if 151]
[/if 144]

This is an electronic costs agreement generated on Setted Law. Agreement date/time-stamp: [created-at format=”D, d F Y H:i”]

[/if created_at]
[if 151 equals=”Yes, I agree to the above terms and conditions”]

 Quote issued on [created-at format=”D, d F Y H:i”] (AEST) and updated on [updated-at format=”d F Y”]

[/if 151][if 161 equals=”Other”][if 151 not_equal=”Yes, I agree to the above terms and conditions”]
[/if 151][/if 161][if 161 not_equal=”Other”][/if 161]

[if 151 not_equal=””]

[/if 151]

[if 161 not_equal=”Other”][members_access role=”administrator”]

[/members_access][/if 161]

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