[/if 151]
[if 161 equals=”Other”][if 157][157][/if 157][if 158][158][/if 158][if 158 not_like=”matter”] Matter[/if 158][/if 161][if 161 not_equal=”Other”]Conveyancing Fees – [161][/if 161]
Quoted [created-at format=”H:i d/m/Y”] | [182] [183][if 184] and [184][/if 184] | Ref [104]
[if created_at less_than=”-381 days”]
Expired quote. Please contact our team for a new quote
[/if created_at][if created_at greater_than=”-381 days”]
[if 144 equals=””]
The conveyancing cost for your matter is [if 231 equals=”Yes”][if 209 not_equal=””][if 221 equals=””][if 206 equals=”tumai123″][208][/if 206][/if 221][if 221 equals=””][if 282 equals=””][if 230 not_equal=””][230][/if 230][/if 282][if 282 not_equal=””][282][/if 282][/if 221][if 221 not_equal=””][209] [221][/if 221][/if 209][/if 231][if 231 equals=”No”][if 209 not_equal=””][if 221 equals=””][if 282 equals=””][if 206 equals=”tumai123″][209][/if 206][if 206 not_equal=”tumai123″][if 230 not_equal=””][230][/if 230][if 230 equals=””][209][/if 230][/if 206][/if 282][if 282 not_equal=””][282][/if 282][/if 221][if 221 not_equal=””][221][/if 221][/if 209][if 209 equals=””][if 221 equals=””][208][/if 221][if 221 not_equal=””][221][/if 221][/if 209][/if 231] which includes GST[if 161 not_equal=”Transfer”], plus disbursements & searches[/if 161][if 161 equals=”Transfer”], plus disbursements[/if 161].[if 229 not_equal=””]
Special/Additional Terms
[/if 229]
Please refer to our terms and conditions below.
[if 151 equals=””]
fields=”151,150″][/if 151]
[/if 144]
This is an electronic costs agreement generated on Setted Law. Agreement date/time-stamp: [created-at format=”D, d F Y H:i”]
[/if created_at]
[if 151 equals=”Yes, I agree to the above terms and conditions”]
Quote issued on [created-at format=”D, d F Y H:i”] (AEST) and updated on [updated-at format=”d F Y”]
[/if 151][if 161 equals=”Other”][if 151 not_equal=”Yes, I agree to the above terms and conditions”]
[/if 151][/if 161][if 161 not_equal=”Other”][/if 161]
[if 151 not_equal=””]